Heilige Birma Katzen Züchter Niederlande

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NL - 2411 WK Bodegraven
Since June 2009 I have let register my cattery name at Felikat. The name of the cattery has arisen by adding 1st the two characters of my name and of my daughters. I am Marjan from Bodegraven and my daughters names are Kaylee and Jaimy. Breeding Sacred Birmans is a great hobby in which I have enormously pleasure. The birman grow up in the living room in company of me, my daughters and my another cats Sara and Semmy where they get much attention. We try to breed a kind and affectionate Sacred Birman, purely and healthy. But the external characteristics are for us also important, for example his physical, profile, fleece, white socks, the beautiful blue eyes and of course the character! Our Sacred Birmans may use the complete house which is friendly for them, the stay for the cats outside is under construction. Health stands for us at a high level and therefore we do everything. We let test our cats for HCM, PKD, FeLV and FIV.